Haut und Laser Medizin Zentrum Rhein-Ruhr Privatpraxis und Selbstzahler
  Haut und Laser Medizin Zentrum Rhein-RuhrPrivatpraxis und Selbstzahler 

Founding of the practice

Experienced in more than 20 years of laser therapy!

The Laser Medicine Center Rhine-Ruhr (LMZ) was founded under the direction of dermatologist Reinhard W. Gansel in 1996. The aim was to make the various therapeutic possibilities  being revealed through teh utilization of laser light in medicine, accessible, to a large part of the public.

The LMZ was therefore among the first lasercenters in Germany and it was also the only institution at that time that offered laser treatments performed by medical specialists under dermatological standards. Since May 2019 Dr. med. Andrea Schulz (Specialist in Dermatology, Venereology, Board Certified Plastic/Cosmetic Surgeon) is the new owner of the Laser Medice Rhine-Ruhr. Since then teh field of plastic/cosmetic surgery has been added to the medical spectrum.


LMZ today!


Not only has the medical team been greatly extended with Dr. med. Katja Wolff, Dr. med. Jutta Schürholz, Dr. med. Maren Stoffels-Weindorf and Dr. med. Sebastian Koch, but also the medical spectrum now ranges from laser treatments to classic dermatology, phlebology, coloproctology and the treatment of chronic wounds to plastic and aesthetic surgery - always under the supervision of medical specialists.

Laser Medizin Zentrum

Porschekanzel 3-5

45127 Essen


Tel:  +49 201 2437770

Fax: +49 201 2437769

Unsere Sprechzeiten

Mo: 08:00 - 18:00 Uhr

Di:   08:00 - 18:00 Uhr

Mi:  08:00 - 18:00 Uhr

Do:  08:00 - 18:00 Uhr

Fr:   08:00 - 14:00 Uhr

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