Haut und Laser Medizin Zentrum Rhein-Ruhr Privatpraxis und Selbstzahler
  Haut und Laser Medizin Zentrum Rhein-RuhrPrivatpraxis und Selbstzahler 

"A question well- asked is half answered... “

We want you to feel comfortable in our practice. We think that an important step towards achieving this is transparency and knowledge. Only if you know, why a specific treatment is given preference over others, and how the treatment is being done and what results to expect, you can feel safe. For this reason we have tried to present to you medical conditions and treatment options understandable for everyone, but still detailed enough to inform you sufficiently.


We hope to have succeeded in this. In addition, we also want to encourage you to ask us for more information if things remain unclear.


Your Dr. med. Andrea Schulz

Laser Medizin Zentrum

Porschekanzel 3-5

45127 Essen


Tel:  +49 201 2437770

Fax: +49 201 2437769

Unsere Sprechzeiten

Mo: 08:00 - 18:00 Uhr

Di:   08:00 - 18:00 Uhr

Mi:  08:00 - 18:00 Uhr

Do:  08:00 - 18:00 Uhr

Fr:   08:00 - 14:00 Uhr

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