Spider veins are more than a cosmetic problem!
Spider veins and bluish veins on the legs often represent a primary cosmetic problem to the person effected. Nevertheless, they may indicate a failure function of the deep leg veins, which can have
serious problems (ulcers, the so-called "open leg") as a result.
An accurate diagnosis through the vein specialist is the first step of therapy
At the beginning of the treatment it is essential that a comprehensive diagnosis is given by a veins specialist (phlebotomist), to detect more severe defects and repair them if necessary. These
examinations can be performed outpatient in our practice.
Only if no defects in the deeper veins are present or if these are corrected, a therapy of the visible, superficial veins can have the desired effect. In cases of severe vein problems a surgery may
be required that usually can be performed as an outpatient.
However, there is the possibility of a steady stay at our practice.
Different therapies can be combined
Nowadays, the optimal therapy for the removal of spider veins often lies in the combination of different atrophy therapies: the so-called manual sclerotherapy and the therapy with the laser.
The Sclerotherapy is a well-tested ,outpatient treatment which removes spider veins and tiny varicose veins. A special solution is being injected into the enlarged veins and adheres the vessel walls.
These are then being degraded by the body in a few days.
Laser Therapy
However, this therapy encounters its limitation in the removal of the finest, reddish spider veins because even the finest needles would be too thick for these veins. Thanks to laser technology, even
these alterations can receive proper treatment now. Here, the dye laser, and - in case of larger veins - the Nd: YAG laser proved effective. Both systems can be
used in the gentle treatment of dilated vessels - depending on the severity of the disease multiple treatments may be necessary.