Rosacea often affects fair skin types
With over 4 million people affected alone in Germany, rosacea is a common disease. Because it preferably affects light-skinned, (Celtic) skin types, the rosacea is also known as the "Curse of the
From fine veins to acne-like nodules
In case of rosacea, the skin´s appearance has many facets, ranging from slight redness in the cheek area up to the image of a "severe acne". In English-speaking countries one therefore uses the term
"acne rosacea". In the German language one also uses the terms "Kupferfinne" and Couperose. It may happen that men experience a special form of it, the so-called rhinophyma (colloquially: bulbous or
potato nose) .
The redness often causes psychological problems
Depending on the severity, rosacea represents a strong psychological burden for patients. However, thanks to laser therapy it is being successfully treated nowadays.
A rosacea can be successfully treated with a dye laser
The dye laser and - for larger veins - the Nd: YAG laser have proven to be effective tools in removing dilated vessels in a gentle way - depending on the severity of rosacea either one session is
sufficient or several treatments are necessary.
A blue stain as an indicator of a successful therapy
After the laser treatment a bluish discoloration appears on the lasered areas that certifies the effectiveness of therapy and that disappears completely within 10-14 days. The discoloration may be
concealed with make-up, afterwards a consistent sun protection is required.
Further information about the disease:
Interesting information about the skin disorder rosacea, contact information of support groups and other ways of exchange with affected people are now being offered on a dedicated blog, a Facebook
page and a YouTube channel:,,