Haut und Laser Medizin Zentrum Rhein-Ruhr Privatpraxis und Selbstzahler
  Haut und Laser Medizin Zentrum Rhein-RuhrPrivatpraxis und Selbstzahler 

Hereditary hair loss (androgenetic alopecia)

Whether man or woman – androgenetic alopecia is the most common cause of hair loss!


The hereditary hair loss (androgenetic alopecia, or "AGA") is the most common cause of hair loss for both sexes. In both, men and women about 95% of all cases of hair loss are caused by androgenetic alopecia. Simply explained, the kind of hair loss treated here is caused by male hormones (androgens). This is a genetically predetermined (hereditary) form of hair loss but also the patient´s age plays an important role. This means that the degree of androgenetic alopecia usually increases with age among those affected.


What are the differences between the sexes?


The androgenetic alopecia shows a different appearance in men than in women


In males, the hormones cause on the one hand an increased hair growth in the beard area and on the other hand, they lead to the growth of sebaceous glands on the head. This is accompanied by the loss of the scalp hair, which in the final state can lead to complete baldness. Usually the hair falls out in the receding corners, the hairline and in the tonsure are (see diagram below).


In women, however the head hair thins out, this happens especially in the parting region; complete baldness does usually not develop. Most cases of hair loss run according to the Ludwig scale, developed by physicians (see diagram below). In addition, the androgenetic alopecia in women is often associated with masculine body hair, i.e. the women effect has hair on the legs, on the toes and in the facial area.


How can androgenetic alopecia be treated?

The sooner hair loss is diagnosed, the more likely the treatment will be successful. Because success is often visible only three months after initiation of therapy. A re-growth of hair on already bald spots can only be achieved in few cases because the hormonal damage to the hair roots cannot be undone in general. However, new drugs allow to stop hair loss. The treatment methods are different for men and women. For example hormone treatments come into question here. After the diagnosis, your treating doctor will determine a treatment schedule with you. Good results are also achieved through the mesotherapy/and or the PRP (platelet rich plasma), which are also being carried out at the Laser Medicine Center Rhine-Ruhr. On the one hand, the hair loss can be stopped through these methods and on the other hand, not yet dead hair follicles are stimulated to start producing new hair. If the hair roots are already dead, a hair transplant can represent a possible solution next to the wearing of hair replacement parts (toupee, wig).

Laser Medizin Zentrum

Porschekanzel 3-5

45127 Essen


Tel:  +49 201 2437770

Fax: +49 201 2437769

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